Top 10 Australian Green and Sustainable Living Blogs | Infinite Energy

Top 10 Australian Green and Sustainable Living Blogs

Top 10 Australian Green and Sustainable Living Blogs

Written by Infinite Energy

We've been busy scouring the web for the best Australian green and sustainable living blogs. Here's the list. Let us know what you think!

1. and sustainable living blogs

Packed with information on the solar industry, renewable energy, climate change and energy efficiency, this green news website tracks the move towards the next industrial revolution.

Founded by former business editor and deputy editor of the Australia Financial Review, Giles Parkinson, Renew Economy gives readers a solid insight into clean tech and sustainable living news throughout Australia and worldwide.


ReNew is a DIY sustainability magazine that focuses on technology and resources towards a viable future. It features articles around green living, energy efficiency, rainwater collection, renewable energy, sustainable homes and products, transport and more.

Originally started in 1980 under Soft Technology - Alternative Technology in Australia, ReNew provides comprehensive information and practical DIY stories for you to use around your home.  


Effectively promoting simple and sustainable living, the Green Lifestyle Magazine blog provides practical, positive and evidence-based solutions to green living.

It features detailed articles surrounding health, food, garden, home, education, family and lifestyle. The site also has an “instant expert” category where trending influences cover the latest news and expert information in their fields.


Happy Earth follows the sustainable journey of Ally and Rich, two people in suburban NSW on a mission to live a greener lifestyle.

Their sustainable adventure, for them, is about living happier and healthier lives to not just feel good for themselves, but to do good things for the planet and community too. The website features lots of useful information on making your home more sustainable including gardening tips, energy use, green power, solar and waste. 

The website also includes widespread ideas, photos, garden design and development and healthy interiors. This is the perfect blog for anyone starting out in a greener, more conscious world.


Eco Directory is your gateway to green living in Australia, providing detailed information consisting of thousands of green products, services, campaigns, not-for-profit organisations, eco-news, green blogs and more.

The website expands to green living around the home, health, sustainable building renovation, organic food, water waste and recycle, energy renewables, garden farming, transport and more.  It also provides a guide to green minded events across Australia.  


Greenfoot strives to create a greener and more sustainable lifestyle and documents the journey of two bloggers setting up urban organic food gardens.

The website focuses on tips to grow your own food, composting, urban farming and the best pets and critters to have at your home to help with the process. Blog articles provide a comprehensive guide to the benefits of growing local, mobile garden ideas and more. Greenfoot also offers recommended books and resources to read and find more information at.


My Green Life is a comprehensive online guide stepping you into the right direction to live a greener life. It covers everything from what you should eat, right through to things you can do at work,  and includes information on community initiatives, council programs and rebates, just to name a few.

The website includes useful tools to help create your own personal action plan by calculating carbon emissions and how to save on power, money and water. Blog articles provide extensive information around building a green life from turning the heat down throughout summer and a green global government.


An online resource and community guide for people interested in sustainability, Sust-A-Hood provides news and tips on the best ways to live, create and do business, with a green awareness of course. Whilst the writers on the site absorb information from all over the world, the website focuses on what’s happening in Australia including green cities, green building and a calendar of sustainability events.

Sust-A-Hood offers information on food and health, green innovative home designs, business, work and career. The ‘opinion’ section provides the latest news, debates, opinions and hot topics for readers. The website also points you in the right direction for further resources and green-minded sites. 


My Green Australia provides an open environment for people to talk about living greener and healthier in Australia. It’s a site targeted at Australians who are looking to reduce their footprint and make a difference in their own lives and to the land we live on.

The range of information is broad – from home and garden, latest industry news, lifestyle, food, travel and green design.  Hot topics include the rise of solar power in Australia, as well as green weddings, carbon price scheme and DIY projects to try at home.

My Green Australia also directs you to recommended reading books for further information and green ideas, and resources to help you with the transition of making a change.


Reduce Footprints is an online blogspot that researches and shares information about the best, and easiest ways to making positive changes in our environment.

Topics are covered from food and healthy eating, learning how to make green purchases and the latest reviews on environmentally friendly products. The website also covers great recipes to try in the kitchen, and live by the statement ‘walk softly and leave no footprints’. 

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