Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Written by Infinite Energy



With electricity prices soaring and discussions about global warming and the search for clean and renewable energy sources getting louder, it’s possible you’ve thought about using alternative energy sources in your home.  Solar energy is becoming more popular as an alternative ‘clean’ energy source but what are the advantages and disadvantages of solar? Let's being with how solar works.

What is solar energy and how does it work?

Solar energy is exactly as the name implies – power sourced from the sun.  It converts light from the sun into electricity which can be used in your home or exported to the electricity grid when it’s not needed.  Direct Current (DC) electricity is generated through solar panels placed on your roof and is then fed into a solar inverter.  It’s here that the DC electricity from the solar panels is converted into Alternating Current (AC) electricity and can be used as a form of power in your home.  The system is set up to switch from solar to grid generated electricity so there’s no need for you to switch it on and off. We've got an easy to understand graphic showing how solar power works as well.

The advantages of solar:

Protection from rising energy prices

Once installed, solar panels require very little maintenance and will generate solar energy over a long period.  The more solar energy you’re able to use, the less you’ll need off the grid, substantially reducing or possibly eliminating your electricity bills.  Given that electricity prices are increasing and will continue to do so, this could result in significant long-term savings for your household - a huge advantage!  Your initial financial investment will reap returns of 15-30% per annum and you can expect it to have paid for itself within 3-6 years, depending on its size.

Increase the value of your home

More and more people are trying to reduce their energy bills by using solar energy.  Homes with quality solar energy systems are proven to sell at a significant premium, making energy efficient homes more attractive and of greater value in the real estate market.  This will only increase as the use of solar energy becomes more popular.

Government Incentives

The Federal Government’s Solar Credits Scheme currently offers a rebate for the purchase and installation of solar energy in your home.  You’ll also be credited for electricity generated that you don’t use through state based Feed In Tariff Schemes.

Environmental benefits

Using more solar energy means you use and pay for less electricity off the grid and your power is generated from a reliable and clean and infinite source.  Greater reliance on solar energy also reduces the amount of coal burned at power stations, reducing carbon pollution.

The disadvantages of solar:

One of the most commonly argued disadvantages of solar energy is the cost.  Yes, the upfront costs of purchase and installation can be high but these are countered by government financial incentives as well as the potential long-term savings.  Additionally, solar energy is advancing at an incredible rate, bringing down the cost of solar systems and making them more efficient, allowing you to use more solar energy than ever.  It’s true that in many areas solar energy can’t generate all of your electricity needs but when considered in light of the potential financial and environmental benefits it’s clearly a sound investment.

Is solar energy right for me?

Solar energy isn’t for everyone.  It won’t generate quality returns in cloudy areas but systems can be installed on roofs facing anywhere from due east to due west, making it a viable option for most parts of Australia.  We can also design a system in line with your budget which is perfect for your home and energy needs.

Why quality is important

A solar energy system is a long-term financial investment and although it will begin to pay for itself immediately and requires very little maintenance, for long-term returns it’s essential your system is reliable.  This means purchasing a high quality system and having it installed by experienced professionals.  You should also ensure that warranty and support services are based in Australia – for more information see our ‘10 questions to ask a solar company’.

For more information on exploring your solar power options contact us today or visit our showroom at Suite 3, Level 3, 85 South Perth Esplanade, South Perth.

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