Infinite Energy has access to a wide range of tools and calculators to assist you in deciding if installing solar power is the right decision for you.
We have included a number of these on the website to assist you. These include:
This highly referenced guide will assist you in making the right decision in selecting the solar company to install your solar system.
There is a wide range of solar panels on the Australian market and a very big disparity in quality. This guide will assist you in asking the right questions and selecting the most suitable solar panel for your home or business.
Both guides are also available as printable PDFs.
Infinite Energy also has a highly detailed Solar Investment Return Calculator which one of Solar Consultants will happily take you through during a Home Consultation or during a visit to our Solar Showroom.
We have also added a guide titled “How to choose the right Solar Installer“. This informative guide will talk you through some of the common pitfalls and sales tactics of less reputable solar companies.
To organise a no obligation consultation in your home or at our Solar showroom click here or contact us on 1300 074 669.
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